Another film that was made on a shoestring budget and a number of favors. My good friend Sean Davis wrote and directed the film. This will be his directorial debut for short independent films. Like most films I've worked on, I was the Director of Photography. There were quite a few first-timers as production assistant on this set and hopefully their experience was good enough to make them want to keep working in film. There were a few people I got the pleasure of working with again such as actors Sean Owens, Emily Soppe, Kelby Roberson, and the gaffer Stephanie McQuade. I hadn't worked with my assistant camera Chris Ingham before, but we got along great, he was a lot of fun to work with, and he was very professional as an AC. The shoot was fairly simple overall. For the cinematography, I tried to keep it as simple as possible and I think it really paid off. We just wrapped production recently and Sean Davis is now editing the film. I look forward to seeing the final product.