Getting Rid Of the Bobby (2019) was directed by my friend Sean Davis, and produced by yours truly. Sean sent me the script either in late 2018 or early 2019. I found it really funny and liked that it was not only just one location, but in the same spot. Sean wanted to film the whole thing from a trunk shot and show the passage of time after each time it closes. It was obvious we could film it all within a single night because the camera wouldn't change position and we didn't have to change the lighting around after it was all set up. The filming also gave not only us, but most of our friends from college a chance to work on a film together. The only two who were new to the group were the actors Eduardo Rosario and David King, who play the two mobsters pictured above and below. The titular Bobby character made one brief appearance and was played by yours truly :)
The shoot itself was sometime in February 2019 and only took about 5 hours total. Our apartment building has a small spot next to the building with extra parking spaces, and at the time nobody parked there often. So we thought that would be the best place to set the scene up. This also allowed for us to run a long stinger from our apartment to the set so we could plug lights in. The only thing I wish we had time for was getting an assortment of costumes to show the passing of time even more. But when the film was edited together it worked out just fine in the end. It screened at a film festival up in Raleigh, NC and an old friend reached out to me saying he was there and recognized me and that he liked the film. So I'd say the film was a success in the end!